Antica stampa bianco e nero francese del 1800 raffigurante Luigi XVI
Antica stampa bianco e nero francese del 1800 raffigurante Luigi XVI
Antica stampa bianco e nero francese del 1800 raffigurante Luigi XVI
Antica stampa bianco e nero francese del 1800 raffigurante Luigi XVI
Antica stampa bianco e nero francese del 1800 raffigurante Luigi XVI
Antica stampa bianco e nero francese del 1800 raffigurante Luigi XVI

French print from 1800 depicting the last conversation of Louis XVI with his family

Regular price €100,00
Sale price €100,00 Regular price
Tax included.

French print from the second half of the 19th century entitled la derniere entrvue de Louis XVI avec sa famille la veille de son execution, the last conversation of Louis XVI with his family before the execution.

Origin: France

Period: second half of the 19th century

Dimensions: 57x47h cm

SKU: 15005-v

Antica stampa bianco e nero francese del 1800 raffigurante Luigi XVI

French print from 1800 depicting the last conversation of Louis XVI with his family

Regular price €100,00
Sale price €100,00 Regular price